Click at end points or drag lines to create filled freehand polygon 在端点处单击鼠标或用鼠标拖曳方式画线,创建实心手画多边形
This algorithm can avoid the calculation of the points of visible core and directly filled the visible core of polygon, so it can work more quickly. 这一算法由于通过避免在填充多边形的核之前进行计算可见核的顶点的过程,从而可以较快地对可见核进行填充。
The real-time mesh generation of the domain with variable mass of the filled polymer is simplified as a polygon ′ s triangulation in the filled zone near the moving filling front at every given number of time steps, which saves CPU time significantly. 充填域变质量体系的实时网格生成过程简化为特定时刻移动自由面附近区域的多边形三角化过程,因而大大减少了网格处理所需的计算量。